B Jonathan Burket

Jonathan Burket

Software Engineer, Duolingo


I am currently a software engineer at Duolingo.

Previously, I was a research engineer at Apogee Research, where I worked on the DARPA Cyber Fault-tolerant Attack Recovery (CFAR) program.

I attended grad school at Carnegie Mellon in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, working on computer security research with Professor David Brumley. My research focused on extending program analysis techniques to work on larger systems.

I did my undergrad at University of Virginia, where I worked on web security research with Professor David Evans.

In the summer of 2012, I helped develop a free online physics course on Udacity taken by thousands of students around the world.

I also served as Technical Lead for picoCTF 2014, a computer security competition for high school age students with nearly 10,000 participants and helped develop the open-source picoCTF Platform for hosting capture-the-flag competitions.




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